Transformative Digital Strategy

Microsoft Ads

Relying solely on Google ads could cost you.

Unique Audiences You’re Missing

While everyone’s busy competing on Google, Microsoft Ads, formerly Bing Ads, offers a gateway to a distinct demographic. This isn’t just any audience but an older, more educated, and affluent group with purchasing power. If your brand isn’t speaking to them, who is?

Website page with three circular images and content under them display on a cellphone.
iPad held while scrolling through search with an open notepad and tea cup to the side.
Beyond Google’s Clutter

With less competition on Microsoft Ads, your message stands out, often resulting in a lower cost-per-click and a higher ROI.

Person reviews website on a laptop sitting on a counter.
Richer Insights & Advanced Targeting

Microsoft Ads provide deeper insights into user behavior, allowing for more tailored campaign strategies that resonate with this unique audience.

Bing search result displays on a tablet laying on a table.
Seamless Integration

Microsoft’s vast ecosystem, from LinkedIn to Microsoft 365, offers opportunities for cohesive advertising strategies, amplifying your reach.

Breakdown of costs and earnings in a dashboard displayed on laptop screen.

Hidden Costs Overlooking Microsoft Ads

You want to maximize your ad spend while diversifying it. By not tapping into Microsoft Ads, you’re potentially:

  • Missing out on a segment with higher conversion rates.
  • Paying more for clicks in a saturated Google Ads market.
  • Overlooking richer insights that could refine your overall advertising strategy.

Let’s Maximize Your Ads

Navigating the nuances of Microsoft Ads requires expertise. At Plan Left, we don’t simply set up campaigns. We craft strategies. Our understanding of Microsoft Ads, its unique audience, and how to engage them effectively gives you a competitive advantage. Contact us today to tap into the hidden revenue streams of Microsoft Ads.

Laptop screen showing increase in results.

Ready to see real results with diversified ad spend?