How Flexible is Your Logo?

Your logo is forever, right? It’s the face of your brand—the very thing by which your company will be identified now and forever more. That means changing things up on a regular basis would be frowned upon, right? Beyond a rebrand every decade or so, you’re pretty much stuck with the logo you choose, so it’s important to choose wisely. And choosing wisely involves so many more decisions than you previously believed.

With technology marching on, the introduction of social networks pretty much every day, and the absolute need for responsive design, simple logos are more important than ever. You need something that hooks the memory right away without the use of frills and fine details. As your logo image changes size to fit any manner of needs, you don’t want to lose any of the visual aspects that make it recognizable.

Creating an Alternate Version

If creating a simple and engaging logo is the answer, then creating two probably goes against all you’ve learned so far, right? Well, not exactly. Your official logo and a simplified version of that logo can make online appearances much easier for you. This is especially true if you’ve had the same logo for years and don’t want to change everything just because the internet arrived.

An alternate version of your logo is perfect for viewing on smartphones or using in social media profiles. If it’s familiar enough, you’ll lose none of the name recognition while increasing brand awareness. Even new companies have adopted this tactic so that the main image remains top of mind no matter where it’s seen.

Let’s take a look at some examples, including our own here at Plan Left.

plan left logo

plan left logo

Plan Left Logo

Tommy Hilfiger Logo

Facebook Logo

Focus on the User Experience

Above all else, when designing your logo, you must consider your customers. The user experience is the most important aspect. If fonts aren’t legible, the size eliminates important components of the overall design, or the image is too complex to load on a mobile device, then you’ve failed, no matter how much you love your new logo.

If you’d like to discuss your current logo and its adaptability, feel free to reach out. We can help you create a flexible logo for use with responsive design and social profiles without compromising your current image. And if you’d like to start from scratch, we can help there, too.

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