Woman sitting at a desk with hands on a laptop

Ah, yes. You remember when we closed our office down?  Okay me too, because I work there. While I have always loved the option of working from home, I have to say it’s nice to have a ”home base” where you can go to escape other things, such as cats biting your toes, needing (wanting) to have a snack every 30 minutes, or perhaps trying to fight your dog off of your lap constantly. So basically what I am saying is this: while working from home is cool and all, it also comes with a handful of distractions.

Break It Down

So, how do we deal with that? For me, I’ve definitely had to create a set schedule. No sleeping in, self. I still wake up at the same time I always did before, I still get ready as if I was going to work from the office, and so on and so forth. That’s my first step.

Office Space Is Important

Second step, which I am currently working on, is creating a space in your home that is specifically your “work space” i.e. a home office. I had been working from my dining room table and sometimes the couch which was good and bad, because I found myself getting even more distracted, aka looking out the window, or perhaps doing some online shopping, etc. But no. I could not and would not continue such things. Creating a special office space in your home that you know is for working only is helpful. You come in with the mindset that it is your work space, not your living room. Perhaps you’ll be really productive.

Don’t Be a Workaholic

Third, remember to still take breaks. Without people around to interrupt, call you into meetings, or just chat by the water cooler, you could sit for hours working away without realizing it. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a few breaks throughout the day. This will help you mentally, trust.

And finally, don’t be afraid to work from somewhere else. Perhaps this means a coffee shop, or maybe one of your co-workers’ houses. For me, I work best around others, not alone, so I have found this to be the most beneficial and productive.

Got any more tips? Let us know! We would love to hear them.

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