Tennessee REALTORS® Rebrand Appeals to Younger Agents

Case Study

Improved Technology Provided Tennessee REALTORS® Agents a Hub for Accurate Data, Updated Legal Forms, and a Voice That Spoke to All Generations

The full-scale brand refresh changed Millennials’ perceptions of Tennessee REALTORS® and 
provided quick, convenient resources never before available.

Various examples of the Tennessee Realtors website on multiple device types.

Plan Left’s rebrand for Tennessee REALTORS® helped the association modernize their reputation, their website, their imagery, and their technology.







Tennessee Realtors website being shown by a person on an open laptop to another person.

Before We Started

The Tennessee Association of REALTORS® was considered the place to go for all real estate transaction forms, and nothing else. Aside from being a source for legal information, the association had no identity. The site where forms were located—separate from the association’s main website—was clunky and outdated, which served to discourage new agents from younger generations from getting involved in the association at all. Data needed for search functions came from every county in Tennessee, all non-standardized in different formats and databases.

After We Were Done

Tennessee REALTORS® had a new name, a new logo, one website that served all the needs of the association and the agents they served, and secure hosting that kept the site and all components secure, stable, and accessible at all times. Data needed for search functions was cleaned, and as new data arrived, the scripts we built continued to clean it in real time. The data was used to create a custom app connected to the website through an API built by Plan Left.

Open laptop sits on coffee table with a phone sitting next to it with the Tennessee Realtor website on the screen.
TENNESSEE REALTORS in dark and light teal on a white background with a vertical V at a side in the same colors.

Rebranding, Custom WordPress Development, Custom Software, Hosting

Sometimes a light brand refresh is all you need, but when you want to overhaul your entire reputation to bring in a whole new segment of buyers, a complete rebrand is in order. A rebrand is a tightrope—maintaining balance between a fresh new image while projecting your mission and vision so that your current buyers still recognize you. Custom WordPress development helped Tennessee REALTORS® significantly improve their technology offerings, and SEO helped drive those new potential association members from younger generations. The custom app we built gave member agents access to a library of forms, resources, and an educational learning hub. Then, Plan Left’s white glove business-class hosting guaranteed a secure website with zero downtime.

Two hands hold a mobile phone as they scroll through the Tennessee Realtors website Become a Member webpage.

The Problem

The Tennessee Association of REALTORS® needed to attract younger agents, but with an outdated website that had no responsive capabilities and a brand associated with paper forms and fax machines, a full brand overhaul was necessary. The largest part of that rebranding required significantly updated technology, including a custom website with multiple integrations to bring all forms into the new website, data collection for robust search options, and single-sign-on members-only areas of the site.

The Plan

Brand discovery led to the creation of new buyer personas for the association. A new logo was devised, as well as updated brand colors. The website featured in-depth SEO research and support to drive more traffic. The upgraded technology available, which included streamlined form access and data collection for better searches and information gathering. The website was custom built with WordPress, a content management system that allowed the association to edit and add as needed without additional developer involvement, and current content updates and additions to speak to personas with the new, fresh brand voice. A custom app accessed by SSO through the website offered access to educational content and forms.

Person sits in front of multiple devices and monitors with various types of website code in front of them.

The Results

The Tennessee Association of REALTORS® became Tennessee REALTORS® and became a true hub for regional associations and individual agents from all generations.

Tennessee Realtors Register Today popup on the website.

The Plan Left Advantage

Various meats on a platter with whole eggs and a bread basket on a table.


We’ll explore your mission, values, voice, messaging, and market position so we can help you stand out from your competitors and build valuable loyalty with your customers.

WordPress Development

WordPress makes search engine optimization easy and gives the ability to extend your website’s functionality beyond the usual themes with existing or custom plug-ins.

Custom Development

With the right app, you can tap into the growing base of smartphone and tablet users, provide a dedicated and optimized experience for customers, and generate revenue directly from the app.


Plan Left promises hosting reliability that’s also virtually hack-proof. You won’t find this level of security and personal attention anywhere else.

Need a brand overhaul that encompasses fundamental changes to the way you do business? We can help.

What Plan Left did for Tennessee REALTORS®, we can do for you.