Swaggerty Sausage Company, Inc. Grows 258%

Case Study

Drupal Development Gave Swaggerty Marketing Control, Content Flexibility, and System Capabilities

Swaggerty Sausage Company, Inc. experienced immense success through several initiatives introduced by Plan Left, with a custom website serving as only one—though major—piece of the overall strategy for exposure, engagement, and sales growth.

Swaggertys Sausage screen view on desktop, mobile, tablet, and laptop.

Custom Drupal Development Allows Swaggerty’s to Connect With Customers.

Through several initiatives introduced by Plan Left, the Swaggerty’s brand experienced an unprecedented period of growth.


Increase in revenue.


Increase in users.


Increase in sessions.

Person sits with table in hand and open laptop with various metrics and data reporting.

Before We Started

Plan Left performed a comprehensive technical audit of Swaggerty’s front-end site, prioritizing the brand’s need to have total control and ownership over all assets, updates, changes, and communication through the CMS.

Plan Left’s technical audit exposed a number of issues affecting the brand, the most pressing being the proprietary nature of the Cold Fusion website, which left the brand at the mercy of a single developer.

After We Were Done

The new website development allowed for the addition of ever-changing products, product information, recipes, and other consumer-friendly content. This ability to update the website on a regular and ongoing basis had a positive effect on the site’s search engine optimization.

Drupal, Web Design, SEO, and Hosting

Our custom Drupal development gave our client total control over their digital content, so Swaggerty’s Farm can easily access and navigate their own marketing assets with new pages, products, recipes, and other consumer-friendly content.

Our focus on SEO meant that, within the first year, the client experienced an increase in website traffic, along with higher search engine rankings, and a broader, more diverse audience.

When these are coupled with our enterprise-level hosting service, Swaggerty’s Farm can rest assured that their website is always online and always secure.

Swaggety's Sausage Recipe Ready webpage is scrolled through while person is talking on their cellphone.
A laptop sits open on a diner table with coffee, a pen and notepad and cellphone with it.

The Problem

The previous website development for Swaggerty’s consisted of a proprietary storefront built on a Cold Fusion foundation. The web designer built and maintained it on a strict budget over the course of several years, but the website couldn’t—and didn’t—evolve as better technology became available.

As such, the brand, which needed full control and ownership over all assets, updates, changes, and communication through the CMS, was at the mercy of the developer. Their understanding that a strong, functional CMS is a strategic marketing asset opened the door to a host of new possibilities.

Working so closely with a dynamic team of passionate and smart developers has helped me keep jobs on budget. They’re like an extension of our business, not just a product or service provider.

— John Gladney,

Swaggerty’s Farm® Marketing

The Plan

With custom Drupal design and development, Swaggerty’s finally had access to a marketing hub where the company could share marketing materials and access their own marketing assets. Plan Left also created dynamic retail and food-service product catalogs with respective B2C and B2B emphases.

Swaggerty's Suasage App Viewed by used on mobile device.

The Results

Swaggerty Sausage Company, Inc.’s bottom line is growing, and this is a direct result of the control, flexibility, and marketing capabilities their Drupal website design and development from Plan Left offers.

Swaggerty's Sausage top of the homepage displayed on laptop.

The Plan Left Advantage



With high-quality content and targeted keywords, we help you build credibility and improve your website’s visibility in search results to attract more traffic.

Drupal Development

Drupal’s open-source platform makes it possible for Plan Left to deliver a website with eye-popping design and unparalleled data management.


Plan Left promises hosting reliability that’s also virtually hack-proof. You won’t find this level of security and personal attention anywhere else.

Web Design

Plan Left creates beautiful and functional websites tailored to a company’s specific needs. Quality web design optimizes user experience and drives conversions.

Ready for the Ultimate in Control and Flexibility With Your Own Drupal Website?

What we did for Swaggerty’s Farm, we can do for you.