Core Web Vital Update, TikTok in Snippets in white font with INP text and monitor behind it with blue overlay.

Do the content changes in SEO and digital marketing have you feeling unsure of where to start or where to go to get the ‘need to know’ details — not all the filler content and sales speeches? Not to worry. From Google adding INP as a new Core Web Vital to Gemini’s newest image update, we have all that and more in this week’s update.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Becomes a Core Web Vital

On March 12, Interaction to Next Paint (INP) will replace First Input Delay (FID) as a Core Web Vital. This shift from FID to INP means there is now a more comprehensive metric that captures the full spectrum of user interactions, from the initial interaction to the next paint. In other words, we can now measure all user interactions.

This update changes the landscape of web performance metrics and has profound implications for current SEO, programming, and web development strategies, such as:

  • SEO and User Experience: Websites optimized for INP will likely improve search rankings as Google prioritizes user experience as a key ranking factor. If not doing so already, SEO professionals will need to adjust their strategies to focus on reducing interaction latency to meet the new standards set by INP.
  • Programming and Development: Developers will need to adopt new best practices to optimize for INP. This includes minimizing long tasks, optimizing input delay, and reducing the complexity of layouts and DOM size. Programming efforts need to focus on making sure that user interactions are as smooth and responsive as possible, requiring a deeper analysis of how scripts and page elements affect interactivity.
  • Consideration of Time to First Byte (TTFB): While not a Core Web Vital, Time to First Byte (TTFB) remains a critical performance metric visible in PageSpeed Insights. TTFB measures the time a user’s browser takes to receive the first byte of page content from the server. Optimizing TTFB improves site speed and user experience, serving as a foundational aspect of web performance that, while not officially a CWV, should not be overlooked in optimization efforts.
  • Resource Allocation: With the emphasis on INP, web teams may need to reallocate resources to prioritize interactivity improvements. This could involve investing in performance monitoring tools, dedicating development time to refactor code for efficiency, or even redesigning aspects of a site to ensure optimal interactivity.

PageSpeed Core Web Vitals Assessment results dashboard showing INP (Interaction to Next Paint).

What is Google DeepMind WARM?

Google DeepMind’s Weight Averaged Reward Models (WARM) transforms AI-generated content and digital interactions. By tackling the challenge of reward hacking, WARM positions AI-generated outputs to be accurate and useful. With Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) as a foundational method for training generative AI, this advancement aligns with Google’s focus on creating helpful and accurate content strategies.

But what is RLHF? RLHF is a training method where generative AI models, like SGE, ChatGPT,  and DeepMind, learn to produce outputs that are more likely to receive positive feedback from humans. Unlike traditional machine learning approaches that rely solely on vast datasets, RLHF incorporates human judgment into the learning process. This human feedback loop enables AI to refine its outputs based on what is deemed valuable or relevant by human evaluators, thereby aligning AI-generated content more closely with human expectations.

How WARM will impact SEO and marketing efforts:

  • Combatting Reward Hacking: WARM addresses AI’s tendency to shortcut its way to high rewards without fully understanding or meeting user needs. This breakthrough is pivotal for SEO and digital marketing, where the authenticity and relevance of content directly influence user engagement.
  • Boosting Content Reliability: The advent of WARM is set to elevate the reliability of AI-generated content. This opens doors for leveraging AI in crafting SEO-friendly articles, product descriptions, and interactive chatbots—making sure outputs align more closely with human preferences.
  • Enhancing User Experience: The precision of WARM in understanding and aligning with human preferences means digital interactions, from customer support to personalized content recommendations, are about to become more intuitive.
  • Future-Proofing Strategies: The adaptability of WARM enables AI-driven tools to swiftly adapt to new data and evolving market trends without extensive retraining. This capability allows digital marketing strategies to remain effective and relevant over time.
  • Ethical Marketing: WARM’s approach to reducing biases and accurately representing diverse user preferences contributes to more ethical marketing practices. Consumers highly value authenticity and inclusivity, and this aspect of WARM is particularly significant.

However, while Google DeepMind’s WARM enhances the reliability and relevance of AI-generated content, it also brings to light a critical challenge: the current limitations of AI in fully capturing the nuances of human interaction and emotion in content generation. Despite these advancements, a hole remains in AI’s ability to reflect the depth of humanity, highlighting the value of human oversight and ethical considerations in deploying AI-driven strategies in SEO and digital marketing. These updates and continuations in AI progression help streamline processes and align with user needs while adhering to algorithm updates. Still, you should also review and edit AI output for accuracy and relevance for your target market.

TikTok Videos in Search Snippets

Google has begun showcasing TikTok videos directly within its featured snippets. This integration marks a shift in how users engage with content on the SERPs, blurring the lines between traditional web content and social media platforms. That said, this is not a surprise move on Google’s part after the inclusion of follower details now showing in the SERPs and the latest data showing social media as the primary way Gen Z and Millennials discover products. Not to mention the 40% of consumers using TikTok for search.

Here’s a breakdown of what this means and why it matters:

  • SERP Evolution & SEO Impact: Google’s integration of TikTok videos into featured snippets represents the constant evolution of Google SERPs. To capitalize on this change, consider optimizing TikTok content for search visibility. This may involve creating informative and engaging TikTok videos that address popular search queries within a niche, thereby increasing the likelihood of being featured in Google’s SERP. SEO professionals should prioritize optimizing TikTok content by including relevant keywords, hashtags, and captions to improve the discoverability of TikTok videos on both TikTok and Google search results. Additionally, marketers should track the performance of their TikTok videos in Google’s featured snippets to identify opportunities for optimization and improvement.
  • Content Diversity: As TikTok’s influence grows, marketers want to diversify their content strategies to include short-form video content tailored to the platform. By incorporating TikTok videos alongside traditional text-based content, marketers can appeal to a wider audience and enhance their brand’s visibility on both TikTok and Google search results.
  • User Engagement: TikTok’s dynamic and visually captivating nature presents an opportunity for marketers to increase user engagement on the SERP. To leverage this, marketers should focus on creating TikTok videos that are informative, entertaining, and shareable. By capturing users’ attention with engaging content, marketers can drive more visitors to their sites and increase brand awareness.
  • Social Media Integration: Google’s inclusion of TikTok videos in featured snippets highlights the growing integration of social media content into the SERP ecosystem. To stay in front of the curve, marketers should align their SEO and social media strategies for consistency and synergy across platforms. By integrating TikTok content into their overall digital marketing strategy, marketers can maximize their brand’s visibility and reach across both search and social media channels.

Google Merchant Center & GMB – Product Barcode Scanner

Google’s introduction of a barcode scanner feature prioritizes convenience, efficiency, and visibility for consumers and businesses to make the most of their interactions within the digital marketplace. As the integration of technology continues to reshape the retail landscape, features like the barcode scanner serve as valuable tools for driving growth and success for eCommerce.

  • Convenience and Efficiency: Now, shoppers can simply scan a product’s barcode using their smartphone camera to access detailed information, including pricing, availability, and reviews, directly from the Business Profile. This new feature offers convenience and efficiency, allowing consumers to quickly access essential product information without navigating away from Google search results. By integrating the barcode scanner directly into Business Profiles, Google simplifies the shopping journey and empowers users to make informed purchasing decisions effortlessly.
  • Boosting Visibility for Businesses: For businesses, the barcode scanner feature presents an opportunity to boost visibility and engagement on Google’s platform. By making sure accurate and up-to-date product information is available on their Business Profiles, businesses can capitalize on consumers’ increased accessibility to product details, driving traffic and sales both online and in-store.
  • Driving Offline-to-Online Commerce: The barcode scanner feature has the potential to bridge the gap between offline and online commerce. By allowing users to seamlessly transition from scanning a product in-store to exploring additional information online, Google facilitates a smoother shopping experience and encourages offline to online conversions.
  • Empowering Local Businesses: Local businesses stand to benefit significantly from this feature, as it provides them with a powerful tool that showcases their products and competes more effectively in the online By leveraging Google Business Profiles’ barcode scanner feature, local retailers can enhance their online presence and attract more foot traffic to their physical locations.

Google offers dedicated barcode scanning apps for Android and iOS for those who do not need a custom user interface, allowing business owners to seamlessly integrate the feature and users the experience of exploring product information effortlessly.

Watercooler Highlights

No artistic talent to write home about? Or maybe you’re looking for a way to streamline the video-creating process. Google has updated both YouTube and Gemini (formerly Bard) image generation. There’s even a new comments pause feature for YouTube creators. Who doesn’t enjoy a pause now and then? Unleash your creativity with these digital marketing highlights.

YouTube Updates for Creators

Short-form video content is the go-to for consumers, and 90% of marketers use YouTube as their preferred video marketing platform. YouTube noticed, and with the latest updates, they introduced features that streamline content management and analytics, making life easier for those behind the camera. Now, creators can focus less on the backend of video production and more time on video content strategy.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Top Community Clips Section: A new feature that enables creators to display popular clips from their videos on their channel’s Home tab, emphasizing the community-driven aspect of content creation by highlighting the best moments as chosen by viewers and creators.
  • YouTube Studio Mobile Updates: Now supports direct uploads and monetization status settings for videos and Shorts, offering flexibility for creators to manage their content on the go.
  • Pause Comments Feature: Allows creators to temporarily pause new comments from being published, providing a way to manage the conversation flow without removing existing comments.
  • Traffic for Immersive Live Analytics: Offers deeper insights into how viewers discover live content, including information on playback locations and traffic sources, helping creators tailor their live content strategy.
  • Dream Track for YouTube Shorts: An experimental tool that lets creators create unique 30-second soundtracks with the voices of participating artists, enhancing the creative possibilities for short-form content.

Bard Takes AI-Generated Images to New Heights

Google continues to push the boundaries with its latest update to image generation. Gemini, formerly known as Bard, represents a leap forward in image generation technology, promising to revolutionize how we create and interact with visual content.

Gemini’s image generation platform offers enhanced capabilities and broader scope. Gemini amplifies its functionalities, making it more versatile and powerful than ever before, introducing a host of new features designed to streamline the image creation process and unleash the full potential of digital creativity.

From advanced editing tools to seamless integration with other Google services, Gemini offers a suite of solutions to meet the various needs of users across various industries:

  • Intuitive Interface: Gemini boasts an intuitive interface, making image creation a breeze for seasoned graphic designers and novice enthusiasts. Its user-friendly design removes the steep learning curve, enabling everyone the opportunity to unleash their creativity effortlessly.
  • Advanced AI Capabilities: Leveraging cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence, Gemini enhances the quality and realism of generated images. By analyzing vast visual data, Gemini intelligently produces lifelike images comparable to those crafted by professional photographers.
  • Dynamic Capabilities: Beyond static images, Gemini offers dynamic features, allowing users to create personalized content tailored to their preferences and requirements. Whether it’s crafting custom avatars, prototyping products, or weaving visual storytelling elements, Gemini empowers users to bring their ideas to life in unprecedented ways.
  • Seamless Integration: Gemini seamlessly integrates with Google services, providing users with a cohesive ecosystem for managing their creative projects. Whether collaborating with team members in Google Drive, sourcing stock photos from Google Images, or refining designs in Google Docs, Gemini offers a smooth and seamless workflow from start to finish.

    Gemini generated image of an elephant standing in a small watering hole with the sunset behind them.

    Four different images on the Gemini results screen after requesting an image of an elephant standing at a watering hole at sunset.









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