Plan Left is your custom software development agency

Plan Left is Your Custom Software Development Agency

Plan Left has decades of experience designing and selling software. Small, large, or in-between, Plan Left software developers build different types of software for various purposes.

There are five different types of customized software:

  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Enterprise resource planning system
  • Operations management software
  • Enterprise software solutions

Our custom software development team works with you to create a program tailored to your needs. Any of these types of systems can have a variety of features & abilities – from e-commerce to integrations, modifying existing software, or building from the ground up!

Software Engineering

Software engineering is the systematic software development and maintenance approach, including writing code, testing, and teamwork. It starts with identifying a problem and analyzing it to find the best solution, followed by designing the software system and writing code. Software engineers must have a good understanding of programming languages, algorithms, and software development tools.

Software engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software systems to meet the needs of clients or organizations. The following bullet points outline software engineers’ critical tasks and responsibilities:

  • Design, develop, and maintain software systems to meet the specific needs of clients or organizations.
  • Write and test code in various programming languages.
  • Collaborate with other team members, including project managers and software architects, to ensure the successful delivery of software.
  • Debug and troubleshoot code to ensure it meets specifications and performs as expected.
  • Analyze complex problems and design effective software solutions.
  • Explain technical concepts to non-technical team members and clients.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology through ongoing education and training.

Software Developers

Software developers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining software systems. They use programming languages and algorithms to create software that meets the needs of their clients or organizations. Software developers must have a strong understanding of computer science and mathematics, as well as knowledge of various programming languages and software development tools.

Software developers work in various settings, including in-house IT departments, consulting firms, and software development companies. They collaborate with project managers, software architects, and other team members to ensure that software is delivered on time and within budget. They also test and debug code to ensure it meets specifications and performs as expected.

In addition to technical skills, software developers must possess the following:

  • Strong problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Analyze complex problems
  • Design effective software solutions
  • Explain technical concepts

Custom Software Development Services

Software development is creating computer programs. Software developers create these programs with the help of software design & development tools and unique computer languages or code. Plan Left builds these programs by working with you to create a program that fits your needs.

What is customized software?

Customized software development differs from off-the-shelf software or general software development. Software is built for public use to work for a wide variety of users, meaning the software is designed for anyone and not targeted to meet specific needs. Customize software by modifying or building:

  • Plugins
  • Changing platforms
  • Bridging platforms/software
  • Requirements analysis
  • Software design
  • Programming
  • Testing
  • Maintenance

Why is Customized Software Developed?

When your current software, website plugins, etc., cannot resolve an issue you have, custom software allows that need to not only solve the problem, but you own that solution.

For example, your business may need a program that helps keep track of inventory. Our software developers would create a program to do just that.

Not only does the custom software set you apart from your competition, but you own the program with no subscription costs or annual purchases.

How Do You Customize Software Development?

Plan Left works with you during the requirements analysis phase to understand your specific needs and requirements. This is an important step, as it sets the foundation for the software development project.

Once the requirements have been gathered and analyzed, the design phase begins, creating detailed information for the software.

Followed by the programming phase, the software developers write the code for the software. You and the developers then test the software to ensure that it meets all of the requirements and functions as intended.

Phases are broken out based on YOUR needs as well. Our team will break out recommendations to ensure an efficient approach to minimize time and costs and reach your goals.

Custom Software Solutions Beginning to End

After the software is released, Plan Left offers ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that the software continues to function correctly and meet your evolving needs. Services may include bug fixes, updates, and new feature development.

Plan Left custom software development takes designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software applications beyond the ‘ask and produce’ industry standard. Our software developers and team work together to bring your software products to life and ensure the software developed meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Schedule a consultation with our Plan Left software developers today to discuss your future success!

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