14 Free (or Cheap) Marketing Tools You Can Use Right Now

Hey, we want to be your marketing partner, but sometimes you just have to do some things for yourself. We get it. Sometimes you have to save some money while you’re doing things for yourself. We get that, too. We still want to help however we can. That’s why we’ve put together this list of free (or cheap) marketing tools that you can start using right away to grow your company.

Google Products

Google Analytics

Keep track of who’s visiting your website, how they find you, and how long they stick around. Data is your best friend.

Google AdWords

Boost your traffic to your website with a well-planned pay-per-click campaign. No sign-up fees are needed. Just pay for the people who click your ads.

Google Trends

Track the keywords that make a difference in searches within your industry so you can plan your content accordingly.

HubSpot Products

HubSpot Marketing Grader

Find out how your website stands up against your competition. Even better, learn what you need to do to improve conversions.

HubSpot Stock Photos

An internet search for photos for your blog could land you in hot water. Rather than pay legal fees, use HubSpot’s free stock photos.

HubSpot Templates

Infographics are still pretty hot. You can create your own with HubSpot’s infographic templates. Save time and enjoy a bit of direction during creation.

Writing Tools


You can’t post blogs and web content with serious mistakes, or your customers will never take you seriously. This website will catch all the grammar mishaps.

Hemingway App

Good writing is more than just good spelling and punctuation use. This app will help you with sentence structure and thought formation.

Editorial Calendar

If you use WordPress, this content calendar tool will help you keep topics and post times straight.


Get notified when or if someone tries to pass off your blogs as their own. You can also use this tool to test any work you receive from freelancers to make sure they’re not passing off others’ work as theirs.

Asset Storage Tools


If you prefer files that aren’t in Google format, then Dropbox is a better plan. It’s free for basic plans, but if you need more storage, you’ll have to pay for it.


If you’re looking for something that’s got staying power, even if it means paying a little extra, consider iCloud. Ample storage for low, low monthly payments, and we all know Apple’s not going anywhere any time soon.

User Experience Tools

Broken Link Tool

Internet Marketing Ninja provides this tool so you can keep all the links on your website working and pointing to helpful content.

Website Speed Test

People don’t want to wait more than three seconds for your website to load. Test your load times with this tool and learn what you need to fix to increase your speed.

All of these tools are available to you right now for very affordable prices. In almost all cases, you’ll pay nothing for the basic functions. And of course, when you’re ready to take the next step in your marketing journey and start working with a true partner, we’ll be here for you.

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